Sunday, September 20, 2020

Update No. 1 to "Up at The River" Story

Based on the release of “Up at The River” story, some new historical facts have come to my attention. These mostly pertain to the Dietrich period of ownership of Willow Bank Farm, off of Stoudt’s Ferry Bridge Road; and to a 1971 proposed subdivision development behind my grandparent’s house.

The Dietrich update is fascinating because 1964 plans have been found that document the laying out of building lots for bungalows along their shoreline of the Schuylkill River. The 1971 subdivision proposal calls for townhouses(?) in the cornfields!

All of these plans have been found in the files of Muhlenberg Township. Municipal archival records are an excellent source of land development history.

The text and slideshow PDF’s linked below are only for the updates. A new updated version of the full "Up at The River" story and the historical documents slideshow are uploaded to the original post.
Update No. 1 to Up at The River Story
Update No. 1 to Up at The River Story in Historical Documents
Both Plans, Courtesy Muhlenberg Township

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About Me

Massachusetts, United States
As an archivist, historian, and genealogist I share a love of history & family stories, travel, the ocean beach, architecture, & old movies with my wife Anne. I am originally from Reading, PA. My entire family heritage in the U.S. is in 3 Pennsylvania counties: Berks, Lancaster, & Philadelphia (city). When I moved to Boston to attend graduate school, I fell in love with Boston, my wife, & New England, pretty much in that order. Professionally, I am an archivist & historian, work which never ceases to excite me throughout the day. I have been an archivist for 28 years. I enjoy watching documentaries, & old movies, reading the print edition of the Boston Globe every morning, & listening to music. Stories in Archives, History, and Life will both look back as I share insights from my life experiences; & will look forward as I talk about what I am trying to accomplish in life & as an archivist/historian. Some stories will be short, sometimes very short, while others will be longer pieces.